What’s on


Thursday 20th Feb at 12.30pm

On Thursday 20th February, we welcome Stephen Crookes, who will present a forty minute organ recital. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.





Monday 3rd Mar at 12.30pm

On Monday 3rd March, we welcome Jonathan Prag (Classical Guitar), who will present a forty minute recital.

Jonathan is an internationally acclaimed classical guitarist performing at The Edinburgh and Buxton festivals, and we are delighted to welcome him to St. Mary’s Ware.

His interesting and varied programme may include music as arrangements of works by Johann Sebastian Bach and Fernando Sor, as well as Paco Pena and Cole Porter. Please come and offer him your support.

Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.


Thursday 20th Mar at 12.30pm

On Thursday 20th March, we welcome Michael Smith (piano) and Joanna West (violin), who will present a forty minute recital. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.





Monday 7th Apr at 12.30pm

On Monday 7th April, we welcome Luke Kimpton (Piano), who will present a forty minute piano recital. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.



Monday 5th May at 12.30pm

On Monday 5th May, we welcome Ambrose String Quartet, who will present a forty minute recital. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.





Monday 2nd Jun at 12.30pm

On Monday 2nd June, we welcome Gina Kruger (Organ), who will present a forty minute organ recital. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.





Monday 4th Aug at 12.30pm

On Monday 4th August, we welcome Barbara Manning (Piano), who will present a forty minute piano recital. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.





Monday 1st Sep at 12.30pm

On Monday 1st September, we welcome Mezzacapo Ensemble. Steven Watson (guitar), Stuart McGowan (mandolin), who will present a forty minute recital. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.


Monday 6th Oct at 12.30pm

On Monday 6th October, we welcome Sarah Boxall (cello), who will present a forty minute cello recital. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.





Monday 3rd Nov at 12.30pm

On Monday 3rd November, we welcome Matthew Burton (guitar), who will present a forty minute recital. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.



Monday 1st Dec at 12.30pm

On Monday 1st December, we welcome David Silkoff, piano who will present a forty minute piano recital. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.

What's on?