What’s on


Thursday 18th July at 12.30pm

On Thursday 18th July, we welcome Jonny Gibson-Smith baritone, and Michael Smith piano who will present a forty minute programme. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.



Monday 5th Aug at 12.30pm

On Monday 5th August, we welcome Bush Hill Park Recorder Consort who will present a forty minute programme. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.





Thursday 15th Aug at 12.30pm

On Thursday 15th August, we welcome Steven Watson guitar, and Stuart McGowan mandolin who will present a forty minute programme. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.


Saturday 24th Aug at 12.30pm

Peter Smith Memorial Organ Recital








Monday 2nd Sep at 12.30pm

On Monday 2nd September, we welcome Michael & Marion Smith, keyboard who will present a forty minute programme. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.



Thursday 19th Sep at 12.30pm

On Thursday 19th September, we welcome Shirley Wu, piano who will present a forty minute programme. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.





Monday 7th Oct at 12.30pm

On Monday 7th October, we welcome Barbara Manning, piano who will present a forty minute programme. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.





Thursday 17th Oct at 12.30pm

On Thursday 17th October, we welcome Rebecca Watts, harp who will present a forty minute programme. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.





Monday 4th Nov at 12.30pm

On Monday 4th November, we welcome Matthew Burton, guitar who will present a forty minute programme. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.



Thursday 21st Nov at 12.30pm

On Thursday 21st November, we welcome Robert Evans, organ who will present a forty minute programme. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.





Monday 2nd Dec at 12.30pm

On Monday 2nd December, we welcome David Silkoff, piano who will present a forty minute piano recital. Admission is free and we ask you to contribute to a retiring collection in aid of church funds.

Coffee, tea and cake will be available in St Mary’s Hall from 11.30am, from the Churchyard Café.

It will be good to see you if you can come, and please bring a friend.


What's on?